Neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail
Neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail


No yeah no, accolades are definitely totally 100% due for the fact that he isn’t Bishop the Motherfucking Sex Predator. Here’s one of their most compelling points in his favor:Īre we serious with this? REALLY? If the best you can say about a dude is “Well, hey, he’s not a rapist” then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry my brain just short-circuited and I sat staring vaguely at my screen for 45 minutes. I was doing that with Anomen, and I found a cursed little corner forum dedicated to the Anomen Defense Squad.

neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail

  • Occasionally I’ll go on a Hate-Googling spree to validate my feelings about fictional characters.
  • Repeatedly asking Sylrie for advice and emotional support, flipping out at her and apologizing hours later. Complaining about helping a drunk man accosted by muggers. Complaining about what a waste of time it was to help an orphaned child find a new father. Saying that Viconia deserved to be burned to death. Freaking the fuck out when a brothel mistress asked if Sylrie was interested in doing business:Īnomen: No, she is not! Away with you, foul temptress and purveyor of flesh! You will not corrupt the lady with your filthy business! Tangentially, this reminds me of one of my favorite Tumblr posts: I really wish the game gave you the option of asking him what HE’S doing there.
  • Things started off on a good note when Sylrie met him in the Copper Coronet Inn in the slums:Īnomen: Fair Lady, what brings you to this cesspool of corruption?.
  • Here’s my overall take on Anomen: combine Casavir’s overbearing and stilted chivalry and inconceivable boringness with Carth’s whiny self-absorption and temper tantrums over trivial issues. I was 100% determined to romance Anomen this playthrough because writing insane posts about video game men I loathe has kind of become my Thing at this point.
  • But anyways, enough about “combat” and “storytelling” and all that bullshit.
  • Seriously, I don’t even remember turning the difficulty down last time! How did I manage that with RASAAD in my party? In a lot of ways Throne of Bhaal now reminds of me of the Icewind Dale games – you stagger from fight to fight wincing and wheezing and dripping blood, and there’s just no substantive story to speak of.

    neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail

    I’m not ashamed at all to tell you that Normal turned to Easy and then Easy turned to Well Actually I Already Finished It Once So I Don’t Really Need to This Time. I went back and re-read my old post about TOB and back then I was like “Ha ha yeah it’s way harder” but I SWEAR I don’t remember flailing around miserably to the degree that I have been for the last few days. By far the biggest issue I had combat-wise this time was with Throne of Bhaal.Stellar writing, endlessly interesting combat and a world that’s bursting at the seams with wonderful stories and details to discover…I don’t know how many 100+ hour games I’d be willing to replay multiple times, but I already know I’ll be coming back to this one in a few more years.

    neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail

  • After several years and an unsettling number of RPGs more or less completed, this game still stands out from the pack in pretty much every way.
  • Enough house-keeping, though, I replayed Baldur’s Gate II!!!! (Tw for mentions of abuse and sexual assault.)


    I’ll keep yelling about video games forever here but I just don’t know about another comprehensive series playthrough. There were only a few posts like that but I genuinely think they represented the worst of this blog’s content and that’s saying something – have you seen the rest of this blog? Third of all, I still haven’t really decided on a Good Games? Bio-Where 4.0? theme and I’m not sure I’m going to decide on one.

    neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail

    Second of all, I went through this blog’s backlog and deleted some of the really cringe shit like my frankly horseshit BioWare character rankings, the “your shit is problematic” tag and a couple of rants about morality and oppression in Dragon Age because… no ❤️. 20% of you did that so I only respect 20% of you people.


    First of all, shoutout to everyone who voted for me to “play the Skyrim Romance Mod until I die” on the poll where I asked what you wanted me to do next a couple of posts back.

    Neverwinter nights 2 mods tiefling tail